International EUREKA project WINEREST E! 6472
Sustainable and innovative use of wastes from grape and fruit processing
Project duration: 2012 – 2015
Project coordinator: Institute for forage crops Kruševac
Project leader: Dr Zoran Lugić, Principal Research Fellow
Partners from Czech Republic: Research Institute for Fodder Crops, Ltd., Troubsko; AGRO-EKO Ltd., Ostrava-Pustkovec.
Partners from Montenegro: Plantaže AD 13. Jul , Podgorica.
Partners from Serbia: Rubin AD, Kruševac i Vino Župa AD, Aleksandrovac.
Financed by: Mynistry of education, science and technological development 48,52%; Institut Institute for forage crops Kruševac 49,62%; other 1,87%
Project studies problem of waste from grape and fruit processing industry as a source for sustainable use in agriculture. According to statistical data grape and apple production in Serbia has been organized on large agricultural land with tendency of increasing. After technological process of fruit processing in wine or fruit juices industry, almost 35% of row material remains as a byproduct. This pomace has been stored on temporary and permanent depots of producers which, in most cases, represent problems for producers. Very often because of degradation of organic matter, leakage and evaporation, have negative impact on environment. In this project three years investigation of improved technologies for pomace composting and ensiling were conducted and represent the main results.
Investigations were conducted in two directions: processing of pomace by ensiling and by composting. Investigation were devided in two phases, experimental and productional, more pricesely phase of develompent of optimal processing technology and phase of utilisation of silage and compost in different experiments. According to multidisciplinary aproach of project all activities were grouped in 4 work packages (Table below) and 15 activities.
Work packages |
1. Development of best pomace ensiling technology |
2. Development of best grape pomace composting technology |
3. Usage of developed ensiling technologies on cattle farm |
4. Usage of obtained compost on natural grasslands and power-plant ash deposits as organic fertilizer |
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